Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Square Enix announces new Halo action figures

New adventure for Master Chief and a visit to the past are not the only things new for Halo

Square Enix has announced it’s going to get Halo fans even more jazzed for action figures. Their wording is a bit different but their announcement that they are expanding their Halo action figure line should be taken with joyful thoughts as Square Enix knows how to do action figures. These figures are on display at E3 2011. Take a look at the new images as well as some oldies but goodies. Below is the official description from Square Enix of these two new figures.

“HALO: COMBAT EVOLVED PLAY ARTS -KAI- MASTER CHIEF (Envisioned by Square Enix Products) is an original take on Master Chief based on the iconic character from Halo: Combat Evolved. The beloved character is re-imagined with sleek lines common to the sci-fi style, iconic of other Square Enix products. While the characteristics of Master Chief remain true to the original video game, the added details and minor alterations result in delicately crafted parts with unmatched realism. The robust build adds a sense of fictional reality and massiveness present in Japanese sci-fi entertainment.

In addition to HALO: COMBAT EVOLVED PLAY ARTS -KAI- MASTER CHIEF, Square Enix Products is scheduled to also release a limited edition SPARTAN MARK V (Black). Both figures are slated for a late 2011 release.”