Sunday, June 5, 2011

Naruto Manga 543 Raw Prediction

Naruto 543
Status: Prediction

543: Conclusion to the battle

Raikage looks at Naruto who is slowly walking towards him. Naruto's eyes return to normal as he looks at Raikage.

Naruto thinking: "Alright I guess I have no other choice but to try it. I hope this works. I will offer you a deal you stinkin fox. I won't try to reform you if you help me with what I am about to do."
Kyubi: "Im listening. What do you have in mind?"

Naruto transforms into rs form as kyubi chakra erupts from around his body. Naruto walks towards Raikage and looks at Raikage just a few feet away. Raikage smirks and charges up raiton armor as sparks shoot around his body.

Raikage: "Its time we end this brat. No more holding back."
Naruto: "I couldn't agree more."
Naruto thinking: "Now are you ready to do this fox?"
Kyubi: "If it gets you to stop your stupid idea of reforming me than I will help you out."

Raikage charges forward and naruto ducks narrowly avoiding a punch from from raikage. Raikage tries for another punch but naruto blocks it and tries for a punch of his own. Raikage suddenly gets a punch on naruto sending him crashing backwards to the ground. Raikage charges forwards and attempts to hit a leg drop on naruto. Four kyubi chakra arms move in front blocking the blow from the leg drop causing naruto to take no damage as Raikage lands on the arms. Raikage moves back as the chakra arms around naruto increase in size but then vanish.

Raikage: "I see my brother has taught you well but maybe not well enough."

Raikage charges and attempt to hit a lariat. At the last second a wall of rock moves up to block the attack as raikage's arm is imbeded in the wall.

Naruto thinking: "Its time."
Kyubi: "Ok here we go."

Naruto moves his arms together as the two chakra arms form together to create a bijuu ball. Killer Bee smiles as he sees Naruto preparing the attack. Raikage looks at Naruto with surprise as the bijuu ball begins to form perfectly. The air violently begins to blow back as the bijuu ball forms perfectly in mid air.

Killer Bee thinking: "It looks like he has it right this time. Almost there..."
8 tails: "The kyubi is flowing its chakra through him. The amount of power he is using is far larger than he used during the training."

Raikage struggles to free himself as the bijuu ball nears completion forming to a perfect black sphere which begins to shrink in size as it compresses smaller and smaller.

Tsunade: "Naruto! Dont do it!"
Killer Bee: "We better get the hell back or else we all will be hurt."
Naruto: "Bijuu Bomb!"

Killer Bee and Tsunade jump away as the bijuu ball transforms into a larger ball that blasts towards Raikage. Raikage has a terrified look on his face as the bijuu ball approaches him. A huge flash of light occurs as the bijuu ball makes impact with the rock. As the light clears, tsunade and killer bee look to see the bijuu ball narrowly avoided raikage and traveled a distance before exploding nearby causing a huge crater. The rock falls to pieces as Raikage looks at Naruto with a stunned look on his face.

Raikage thinking: "He could have killed me right there after I almost would have killed him just a second ago."
Killer bee thinking: "Impressive for him to have mastered the bijuu ball to that extent in so short a time. I guess I have nothing left to teach him."

Raikage smiles and walks towards Naruto. Naruto gives him a weary but defensive look.

Raikage: "Tell you what. Lets make a deal. If you keep with you at all times a honor guard of at least 10 shinobi as bodyguards I am willing to at least allow you to serve some role in this war. Deal?"
Naruto: "Agreed."
Killer Bee: "And what about me?"
Raikage: "You are going back to your cage. Naruto earned his right to be in this fight. You have yet to do the same."
Killer Bee: "Damn."
Raikage: "We had best head to the front and get in touch with command. I have a feeling they are wondering about our present status."

Raikage, Killer Bee, Tsunade, and Naruto run through the forest as the moon shines over head.

Next 544: How to catch a spy