Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Swing Heil

Its done! After the most stressful couple of days It was done. We had a few hiccups on the last few days. The main producer, Jake, fell ill with Mumps and was unable to come in. This meant we had to switch a few things around and eventully we got Alan to do some more editing and I took on the main producer role, whilst everyone else worked super hard to get everything finished on time. We had a few issues with the edit we handed in, such as the music not exactly matching up with the beats of some of the animation and some things didnt quite line up. But I am really happy and super proud that we managed to get something handed in on time, and although it wasnt perfect, it was very close. We worked so hard and didn't sleep (hence the reason I am blogging now and not straight after, I definitly needed to catch up on my sleep!!) Anyway, here is the finished "trailer" we handed in...

Swing Heil Part One - Rough Cut from Swing Heil on Vimeo.

I am so proud! Everyone who worked on the project was so talented and I think it looks beautiful. There is talk to getting the full thing finished after this term is done with in a few weeks...