Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Power Rangers Samurai Activities

Enjoy another side of Power Rangers: Samurai with a coloring sheet, recipe and exercises

Love them or not, there is no denying the staying power of the Power Rangers. The most recent iteration is Power Rangers: Samurai follows yet another group of young adventures and has impacted yet another generation of young TV viewers so in order to take the fun off the TV set we’ve got a few features for fans to enjoy. Check out the included coloring sheet, ready to print and enjoy and dealing with the food groups. Also we’ve got one egg-tastic recipe and a handful of exercises to help Power Rangers fans train like the Samurai.

Emily’s Egg-cellent Eggs In A Nest!
     1 Organic Egg
     1 Slice of Whole Wheat/Grain Bread
     ¼ cup Reduced Fat Cheddar Cheese (you can use soy or rice cheese)
     ½ tablespoon of oil
     Salt and Pepper
     1 Kiwi

Directions – Cut a 1 to 2 inch hole in the center of your bread. Heat a skillet with the oil over a medium flame. Place the bread in the skillet and after about 2 minutes or until the side facing down is brown, flip the bread and crack the egg in the hole. Season with salt and pepper. Continue to cook, until the egg is almost firm. Flip. Sprinkle cheese on the top of the egg and cover with a top. After 2 minutes, or when cheese is melted transfer to a plate. Slice the kiwi as your side healthy fruit and more Omega 3s! ENJOY!
Click to enlarge and print
Power Rangers: Samurai Training Exercise
  • Green Ranger Jacks – Put your hands on your waist. Put your feet shoulder width apart. Jump and bring your knees up and together and land with your feet together. Then jump your feet out to where you started, and do it again! Do 5 Ranger Jacks, then rest, then do 5 more. 
  • Yellow Ranger Cobra Pose – Start by sitting on your knees with your hands on your waist. Put your hands out in front of you. First dip your head down towards the floor, then push up with your hands and arch your back like a cobra! Do it in reverse to end up back on your knees. Do it 3 times slowly. 
  • Pink Ranger Upper Body Stretch – Stand with your feet shoulder width apart. Bend your knees, turn to your right, and stretch your left hand out in front of you as far as it will go, and stretch your right hand behind you at the same time. Repeat on other side. Do 5x each side. 
  • Blue Ranger Crab Crawl – Sit down on the floor. Put your feet out in front of you, put your hand behind you. Raise up your body on your hands and feet, and crawl around like a crab! Try and crawl on your hands and feet for 3 mins. 
  • Red Ranger Mirror Stance – Stand facing a friend (you can also do it at home in the mirror by yourself!). Decide who is going to lead – the other person tries to copy the leader exactly. Watch the move first, and then we can try it together. Step right, crossing over your feet and your hands. Then step right again and uncross. Try and be a perfect mirror! Now go the other way. Practice until you can follow your partner.