Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Naruto Manga 538 Raw Spoiler and Prediction

Naruto Manga 538
Status: Prediction

Also Read Naruot 539 Prediction
Naruto 538 Prediction 1

Chapter 538: “training and planning”
Jumbo size : proceeds go to the Japan surviving efforts!

Raikage and Tsunade are in the HQ. They are walking with A’s assistant.

Raikage’ “is it ready?”

Assist., “yes sire, i am ready have been since the first report.”

Rai, “Good, i am tired of this Leaf style talking.”

Tsunade, “excuse me?”

Rai, “you Leaf just wanna talk and ask and plead for things. You honor those qualities. Even now you expect this frail excuse for a ninja to be one of Kages!”

Tsunade, “we are an Alliance now Raikage and you are the head of the War proceedings BUT you will not insult my village or it’s people!”

Rakage, “you were once a strong feared village until that 3rd Hokage..” (he looks at Tsuande and sees her fist tightening up) “anyway i am not going to meet with the Jinchuriki to talk to them. i will beat the sense back into them just as i have to do Bee.”

Tsunade {he is in for a surprise} “What is it your assistant has prepared?”

Darui, Skiamru, Chouji, and Chouza are with the rest of the surviving ninja from the Gedo assault. Tghey are moving to another position

Darui, “this is a big problem how troublesome.”

Shikamaru, “yes this is a drag.”

Chouza, “what the hell was that summoning? It was no creature i have ever seen?”

Shikamaru, “it seems that was the statue that keeps all the biuu until Madara is ready to use them.”

Darui,{smart guy} “yes it was so powerful becasue it has the 7 beasts within it and actually a portion of on tof the tails from the 8-tails, thanks to Sasuke Uchiha and his team.”

Chouji, “what?! That is why it was so damn strong? So what now?”

Shikamaru we regroup as planned for the night squad to take over but i think me and the next Raikage here can think of a plan that we can initiate tomorrow.”

Darui,{no now is that smart} “ i agree, but how would you come to the conclusion of me bing te next Raikage?”
Shikamaru, “well, you remind me of a certain someone i our village.”

Now we see Kakashi and his team fighting Zetsu.

Guy. “where did these abominations come from?”

Sakura smashing the ground causing a tear knocking back several Zetsu, “they just started pouring in.

Kakashi, “focus on defeating them not where they came from there are too many to waste time on that now!”
he slashes several and chops there heads off

Sai{ i sense something different about him, he seems. angry.}

Lee has managed to make it to the Swordsman w the destroy defense sword. He kicks he back a few feet.

Lee, i will not go easy on an enemy that is no longer living. 3rd Gate: Gate of understanding!”

Guy,{Gate of understanding? Hmm he couldn’t have, could he?}

flash back of Lee and Guy training. They both seem tired.

Guy there you have it Lee, you are totally done getting your body used to opening up to 6 gates, i have no worryy that you can open them all, bu tyou will probably recover afterwards better than me. due to you great joyous YOUTH!”
thumbs up sign
Lee, “great Guy Sensei! Now i can one day be as strong as you are? The next green beast of the Leaf!”

Guy, “no Lee. you cannot do that” Lee look shocked “you are already as strong as me, more even. I secretly went 7 gates just to keep up with your 6.”

he motions for Lee to sit down on a log, they both sit.

Guy, “I discovered the ability to open the gates due to being taught by my great Sensei. Master Kenmei Kami- leader of the Summoning Turtles.”

Lee, “the turtles guy sensei?”

Guy, “yes, that is why i am the Green Beast and I dedicate my uniform to there noble colors, but that is not the point. The Gates i have shown you are the basics, there are different ones that give you other rewards.”

Lee, “other rewards?”
Guy “Summoning Jutsu: trainer of Gates!”

Suddenly a turtle the size of the one Guy summoned vs Kisame appears.

T.O.G., “Little Guy, ho ware you? havent seen you in ages, is this your..”

Guy, “student, yes he is. he knows the 8 original Gates. I summoned you here to teach him the others.”

TOG, “what is his reason?’

Lee, “I will be the best ninja without ninjutsu ever!”

back to the War we focus on Lee.

lee hits the Edo in several different spots quickly. The Edo drops his sword.

Guy, {he has started to learned the Gates of Greatness}

Edoi, “What the hell you green bastard!”

Lee, {Gate of understanding allowed me to see and understand his weak points. He couldn’t hold that sword after my attack.} Gate close, Gate 2; Gate of reasoning!”

Guy, {i am not familiar with the Gates of Greatness or their gifts}

Kakashi ends up back to bakc with Guy, “what is going on with Lee? Those are not the gates you taught me.”
he chops a Zetsu down rhe middle and kicks another.

Lee, “No, those Gates are not based on sheer power to overcome, physically.”

he chops one then spin kicks another Zetsu. he then reaches back and pulls out his Nunchuku

Kkashi, {i see Guy is finally getting serious. i can leav his side now.} He “ninja vanishes” form
his side.

Lee grabs the Edo and looks him face to face, “You were once a great ninja of your noted village. You are Legend now, you do not belong here with us, your prodigies. The further you carry one the more you damage that Legend.”

Edo, “What, are you doing? I am a legend? we are? but i was forced to come here, i must fight i must show my might as a Swordsman of the Mist!”

Lee, “why? why do u think this? there were Swordsman before you, none have come after you. No one has replaced you. Your Legend is not obsolete, but do you really think you can take this generation of great ninja? Could your previous generation take you on? Would you want to crush their legend or hod on to it mighty ninja?”

The Edo motions for lee to let go, he walks over to the sword, he picks it up and walks over to Lee. Lee stands without Defense watching the do approach.

Edo, “you are right we do not belong here, i do not belong here.” he hands Lee his sword.
“You have surpassed my skill of getting through any defense. i see many diiferent justsu and skills on this battlefield tells me that the villages are woring together. This is a new time, with new traditons being created allow me to start one.”

lee, “there is no need for..”

Edo interrupts, “we are supposed to declare a next swordsman but my generation was so arrogant we only enlisted one. I name you the green Swordsman. now i must do on e last thing.”

he steps back and pulls out a scroll. The Lighting swordsman sees this and is shocked.

Edo, “we all a have a scroll like this, it was created by the Uzumaki long ago. Our ancestor Swordsman stole the knowledge. it allows the user to seal himself inside until one with the knowledge can release them. we was used it to escape death or torture while captured.”

The Lightning swordsman begins to run over but he is far and has to fight thru ninja.

Edo, “that knowledge was lost with the Uzumaki clan. Now it is used as the final jutsu.”

he makes hand signs and throws the scroll in the air over his head.
lee is looking on saying nothing. Guy has just defeated Zetsu and watches as teh scroll comes down .

Edo takes out a flame bomb sits it between his feet, “Secret technique: trapping seal scroll!”

He is sealed inside the scroll but soon as the scroll hits the ground the flame bomb ignites and incinerates it.

Lee, kneels with the sword in the ground, “ it was an honor’

The lightning swordsman arrives and blasts lightning in front of Lee causing him to fly back.

Lee, {it is getting dark i did not see his approach.}

He gets up and faces his new opponent.

Naruto and Bee are going thru the trees.

Bee, “ why do you insist on using so much energy, when we fight u will b eon empty.”

Naruto, “i have to get there as fast as i can. No time to waste!”

A voice, “you are still knuckle headed.”

Naruto stops and gets in a defense position, “What? Who said that?”

Bee stopping as well, “what what is it?”

Naruto begins to lose the RS mode. He loses his balance on the limb Bee jumps & catches him.

He lands and puts Naruto down. he has his hand on Naruto’s shoulder, “hey you i told you , don’t be a fool so i got no pity for you.”

Naruto looking down, “i know who you are, why are you talking to me after that?”

bee, “whoa dude i am the Killer Bee you see, it’s only me.”
Bijuu{he isn’t talking to you Bee I know whats happening}
“what it is, tell me kid?”

Naruto puts his other arm on Bee’s shoulder, then puts his finger s up with his other hand,
“shadow clone jutsu.”
dozen shadow clones appear around them. they all take their Kunai out and take a defensive stance. then they make a hand sign. “shadow clone jutsu!”
another dozen appear but dart out to different directions.
Naruto still holding Bee’s shoulder, “sorry Bee, I have to show you.”
He closes his eyes.

Bee, “what do you mean,[ he looks around] is this a dream?”

Naruto from a few feet away, “No, it isn’t this is the place where he is.”

Bee, “Hmm?”


The Fox is there inside the new cage infront of Naruto and Bee.

Fox, “why are you here!?”

Naruto, “yiou have something to say to me.”

Fox, “let me out and so i can talk to you up close.”

Naruto, “No.”

Bee, {how dod he pull me in here with his Bijuu, he is talking inside himself like we do.}

Naruto, “i am coming in.”

Bee, “what?”

Next issue, Rematch?

Also Read Naruot 539 Prediction
Naruto 538 Prediction 2

Naruto 538 : The Second Encounter

[Scene shows Raikage and Tsunade preparing to leave HQ]

Tsunade: So what is your plan?

Raikage: I know how to handle Bee. I'll take care of the Kyuubi brat as well. You may as well stand aside.

Tsunade: We both know that you have no chance of stopping Naruto. First of all, he has a name. Second, he will not listen.

Raikage: [looks furious] I don't care. I'll beat some sense into him the same way I did with that Uchiha traitor. His "friend" he said. How pitiable to think that such a dumb ninja exists in our world.

Tsunade: [shouts] I won't stand for anything said against my comrades Raikage! Your brother is equally guilty in this!

Shikaku: [looks apprehensive] Now Hokage-sama, Raikage-sama is this really the time to be fighting? We have received intel that Naruto and Killer Bee will be reaching the battlefield soon..

Raikage: Then what are we waiting for?!! Let's move! [Smashes his fist into a table breaking it] You will regret this brother!

Tsunade: [unimpressed] I would say you have a rather bad habit of breaking stuff....

[Scene switches to the battlefield. Chouji and Shikamaru are seen standing]

Chouji: What the heck was that Shikamaru? It took hits from both me and pop and still managed to blow everyone away.

Shikamaru: Let's say that it is Akatsuki's.....placeholder....for all the tailed beasts.

[Chouza comes to them]

Chouza: What did you say?!!

Shikamaru: That statue probably holds all the tailed beasts Akatsuki has captured till this point. We haven't seen anything yet considering that power. Although....

Chouza: Although what?

Shikamaru: It puzzles me. A single demon statue capable of eradicating villages at one stroke is not something to be kept hidden when a ninja war is going on.

Chouza: It should be something regarding Madara's fool plan. From what we heard about it from the Kages, Madara plans to awaken the Ten Tailed Beast Juubi using all tailed beasts in existence.

Shikamaru: If that happens then no one will be able to stop him. But if that statue is Madara's trump card why show it now? I have a feeling that Naruto and Killer Bee are heading here.

Chouza: What?! Surely No!

Chouji: Naruto? But he was supposed to be hidden.

Shikamaru: It makes sense when you think about it. The whole purpose of Madara's strategy was to capture the Hachibi and the Kyuubi. Madara wouldn't show himself unless he was sure that he could capture them.

Chouza: You are thinking too much here Shikamaru. The barrier squads are strong enough to prevent that.

Shikamaru: You don't know Naruto as we all do. And besides there is another Jinchuuriki. I'm not sure anymore.

Chouji: Shikamaru's right dad. Naruto doesn't let himself be put down by something like this. We should go check it out.

Chouza: I don't know about this....

Shikamaru: Just trust me on this. I can tell that it is about to be proven true.

Chouza: I hope you are wrong Shikamaru. Things are about to get ugly if you are right.

[Scene switches to Naruto and Killer Bee heading towards the battlefield]

Naruto: How far do we have to go?

Killer Bee: It's round the corner in a while. Might as well say Hello Bro!

Naruto: Huh? You missed a rhyme!

[Killer Bee stops and Naruto stands on the ground together. Facing them is the Raikage with Raiton armor around him]

Killer Bee: Fancy meetin' you here bro! We were just-

[Tsunade comes in front]

Naruto: Granny Tsunade....why are you here too?

Tsunade: Naruto you were supposed to stay at the island. I don't remember assigning you a mission to fight the war.

Naruto: [angry] They are all fighting because of me! How can I stay put? Captain Yamato was captured! I need to go and rescue him and make sure nothing else happens!
[An image of Sasuke with Sharingan comes into Naruto's mind]

Tsunade: [thinks] That Iruka.....looks like it's inevitable I suppose [speaks] Very well then. I shall come with you.

Naruto: Wha? No you can't!

Raikage: [closes his eyes] And just what gave you the idea that I will let you do that? Tsunade you are overstepping your position!

Killer Bee: No choice bro. We ain't got any choice than to leave and go.

Raikage: Bee...you foolish child. Understand that what I'm doing is trying to protect you!

Naruto: We are going. Nothing you say will change that.

Raikage: It will change brat! I'll take care of you the same way I took care of your friend!

[Raikage dashes forward to Naruto at high speed. Bee steps in the way with a "Wait a second bro-" but is pushed away by the Raikage's force.]

[Inner Hachibi voice: You're in big trouble Bee. Can you bring yourself to use me against your own brother?]

[Naruto creates a Shadow clone and steps out of the way as Raikage's kick misses him. The clone holds onto Raikage as Naruto finishes preparing a normal Rasengan and hits Raikage's face with it. The Rasengan disintegrates as Raikage strengthens his Raiton armor. The clone vanishes]

Raikage: That was pathetic. You hope to fight this war with that power? You look powerful but in the end you're the same old crybaby who begged for a despicable ninja's life!

[Naruto goes into sage mode and prepares a double gargantuan rasengan with two clones and switches to Rikudou mode]

Raikage: !

Killer Bee: Oh boy....

[Naruto grabs both clones and uses super speed to hit Raikage with both Rasengan's at the same time]

Tsunade: Naruto don't!

[Raikage is knocked back by the force of the hit but seems to have taken no damage as he stands up from amid many broken trees]

Raikage: [bares his teeth] As expected from the ninja who defeated the leader of Akatsuki. But you still don't compare to me boy! I gave my arm to capture your friend and kill him.

Naruto: I don't have time to waste. Let's end this!

[Killer Bee, Raikage and Tsunade look shocked as Naruto begins to form the Bijuu bomb]

[Inner Hachibi voice: Bee that's..!]

Killer Bee: [thinks] This is going out of control. I need to step in.

[Killer Bee steps in between Naruto and Raikage]

Killer Bee: This ain't the way bro! We ain't that type-

Naruto: I cannot stand while my friends give their lives. Stand aside!

Voice: That's enough Naruto. You can stop now.

[Naruto loses his half complete Bijuu bomb in shock and everyone turns to see Shikamaru holding a seal with immense concentration and sweat. Beside him stands Chouji with "butterfly mode" activated and ready]

Raikage: What?!

[Raikage discovers that he has been bound by the Shadow bind technique]

Raikage: I see. I can't believe someone like Shikaku's son could be so worthless.

Shikamaru: [shouts] Naruto! I cannot hold this for more than a few seconds! Madara has made his move! If you can move then move fast!

[Naruto goes into Rikudou mode and prepares to use flash step as Raikage begins breaking the shadow bind. Tsunade looks shocked and Killer Bee shows a good bye sign to his bro.]

Also Read Naruot 539 Prediction
Naruto 538 Prediction 3

Chapter 538

Decisions Are Made.

Madara appears back at his headquarters with GinKin.

"Finally, I have now collected power from all the Bijuu, Gedo will finally be complete for my moons eye plan." Madara says.

"You really think you will be able to use them for the final part of Gedo?" Kabuto says

"Why not? They possess Kyuubi chakra, it should be able to create the Juubi." Madara says.

"They only possess a little bit of the Kyuubi chakra, they do not possess enough for you to use them in Gedo, this will not work." Kabuto says.

Madara, frustrated, "I will try anyway, there is no harm in that."

Leaf HQ

"Hokage, lets leave, we have to stop them before they get into trouble." Raikage says

"Okay, Shikaku you are in charge." Tsuande says.
Fighting the Gedo

"Shikimaru, do you have any idea what this is?" Chouji says.

"I think it is a summoning, but I honestly have never seen anything like this, it is overwhelming." Shikimaru says.

"It is some of the power of the Bijuu Madara has collected, that is why it is so strong, and I am not sure we can defeat it." Darui says.

"Wait, so even our combine strength won't stand a chance against this thing?" Chouji says.

Darui, with a look of concern, "We need one of the Kage to defeat this, and even then, I am not sure it will be done."

A flash flies by Darui and he feels a hand on his shoulder.

"Don't worry Darui, the cool catz have arrived." Bee says.

Naruto flies at the statue with Rasengan Shuriken, hitting it dead center, the statue falls onto its backside.

Shikimaru, shocked, "Is that Naruto?"

"Just when you think you catch up to the guy....he just flies right back to the top" Chouji says.

"Every time he fights, I want to marry him." Ino says.

The Gedo starts to get back up.

"Nice one fox man, but that thing isn't out yet, you want some help?" Bee says.

"Yeah, lets do it, you know what to do." Naruto says

Naruto forms another Rasengan Shuriken, Bee forms the Bijuu Bomb, they attack at the same time hitting the Gedo on opposites side, the solid rock explodes.

"Well thats that fox man, good thing we came when we did, no one was taking that thing out without us." Bee laughs

"BEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wait until I get my fucking hands on you." Raikage comes at him.

"Oh shit, we are in trouble Naruto, my brother isn't going to be happy." Bee says

"Naruto! you need to listen better or I am going to lock you in a room in the Leaf Village where you are chained and unable to get out." Tsunade yells

"No offense Bee, I'd rather deal with your brother over grandma." Naruto says.

Raikage and Tsunade punch Bee and Naruto in the face, both fall to ground with grins on their faces.

"Hokage, with all do respect, they just saved a lot of the allied forces." Shikimaru says

"I have to agree Raikage, they came just in time." Darui says

"Yeah yeah, listen to them brother, they are right, we saved them, for sure." Bee says

Raikage and Tsuande look at one another

"Well what do we do now, Madara will know they have appeared, and we can't win this war without them, that is clear." Tsunade says

"I guess we will have to let them fight, but I will stay with them the entire time, they will be my responsibility, you go back to HQ and make the orders." Raikage says

"Are you sure you will be able to keep Naruto and Bee safe by yourself? We had a team designed for Naruto because he was such a pain." Tsuande says

"I will tag along with them, it will be a four man team, Couji and Ino will help out Darui here." Shikimaru says

"Is this okay with you then Hokage?" Raikage asks.

"This is a good plan, lets do it."

Madara HQ

"I told you that it wouldn't work, you should listen to me." Kabuto says.

"I guess we will need to figure something else out then." Madara says

"Madara, the Gedo statue was destroyed." Zetsu reports

"How is that possible!?" Madara says

"Naruto and Bee have arrived to the battle, and Naruto has a new form." Zetsu says

"Well Kabuto, I guess we found our new plan." Madara says