Saturday, April 23, 2011

Naruto Manga 537 Raw Spoiler and Prediction

Naruto 537 Raw Scans
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Naruto Manga 537

Status: Confirmed Spoiler

Title: Night
Gedo blast has pretty much wiped out the battlefield, but Kitsuchi used some super Doton that like tries to trap Gedo into a mountain. But Gedo is holding the earth back and then uses a lightning-like attack from the wood spikes on his back to hit some allied shinobi.
Gedo Mazo towers over all, Chouji and Chouza go off to face it while leaving the others to handle the sealing of Kakuzu and Hizashi. Madara commands Gedo to attack them while he looks for something else
Chouza engages Gedo so that Chouji can hit him with a Butterfly Punch but it has no effect on Gedo who blasts them both away. Meanwhile, Naruto goes into RM, Bee tells him to save his strength and Naruto says he has no time to waste.
Ending Narration: The night is the quiet before the storm. In the morning, the second stage of the 4th Ninja war will begin loudly
ore from Evil:
They also receive word of Naruto and Bee escaping the barrier.
Raikage leaves them, stopping to tell Tsunade to join him. Raikage leaves Shikaku in charge of the forces.
Chouza and Chouji are back to normal and comment on how powerful the thing is.
Shikamaru seems to have some idea what it is based on reports from Shikaku and other allied intelligence
Madara appears at the pot and defeats the guys by it.
Darui remembers that Raikage told him about how Madara was sealing Jinchuuriki power into a giant statue and that gotten one of Hachibi’s tentacles already.
sensor team notice some chakra in the battlefield and tells raikage that madara is controlling the giant beast.
Originally Posted by Evil
Chouji saves Shikamaru and Kitsuchi tells Darui that night is coming and that they’ll have to change their plans based on the new situation which is not in their favor. Madara has vanished with the Pot
and Gedo disappears as well
Kabuto-So he’s already grabbed Kin/Gin. But he only has a tiny fraction of Hachibi, why is he rushing like this…?
Madara is shown holding the pot thinking "I can’t lose this war no matter what, I must do everything I can!"
He says the Eye of the Moon plan he’s planned for years will finally come to fruition tomorrow. The armies are shown taking cover as night falls. Allied loses stand at 40,000, Akatsuki’s loses are 50,000. A close up of the moon ends the chapter with the following narration: The night is the quiet before the storm. In the morning, the second stage of the 4th Ninja war will begin loudly
Status: Prediction

Naruto 537 Prediction 1

Open on Naruto and Bee.
Naruto: I can sense three large groups a few miles away.
Bee: You can sense chakra that far. I didn't realize how powerful you are!
Naruto (thinking): Is this the power of the Kyuubi or the seal? Or maybe I always had this power and didn't realize it until now...
Bee: Well, we can't help all three. Try and find who needs the Bee.
Naruto: Give me a sec. The closest group has Gaara leading it. And it's falling back from four powerful shinobi. I don't know who they are.
Bee: What can you tell me about their chakra.
Naruto: They all have high levels of chakra. One...reminds me of the Raikage. Another of Gaara. A third I can barely sense. It's like he's...shielded himself.
Bee: That last one must be Muu. To be able to resist sensing by you.
Naruto: Muu?
Bee: He was the Second Tsuchikage. They must have brought him back.
Naruto: What are you talking about?
Cut to Raikage.
Raikage: They failed! What the Hell!?
Mabui: It seems that Bee-sama was helping him.
Tsunade (thinking): At least he isn't yelling at me anymore.
Shikaku: Raikage-sama, there is no sense yelling. We've failed to keep Bee-sama and Naruto-kun hidden. So now we need to ensure that they don't get weakened in combat. That was Madara's plan from the start. If they get weakened from combat, he'll have an easy time capturing them.
Raikage: Argh! Why didn't you have more control over the Kyuubi!?
Tsunade: First of all, he has a name! It would do you good to remember it! Secondly, I believe your brother ran off too. I seems you are no better at getting your Jinchuriki to follow orders.
Shikaku: My point is that we will do no good arguing. We have to insure that Madara won't capture either of them.
Cut back to Naruto.
Naruto: So that's what happened...
Naruto (thinking): But it was hard to understand with all that rhyming.
Bee: Now that we're done with explanations. Let's see if the other fights meet our expectations.
Naruto (thinking): That one was desperate.
Naruto: Just give me a sec to sense the other groups.
Cut to Madara with Naruto's face overlayed.
Naruto: SHIT! This is bad. It's Madara!
Bee: Things must be bad for him. To go into a fight again.
Naruto: Bee, I think we should go after Madara. We're probably the only two powerful enough to take him down. And only at full power.
Bee: Think we can get there in time?
Naruto (thinking): At least then he didn't rhyme. CRAP! It's catching!
Naruto: We won't be able to make it if we run, fortunately (makes three hand signs) that wasn't my plan.
Bee: What are you sayin'? Then why were we runnin'?
Naruto: They had to have a block for Madara's telleportation jutsu. I'm sure it would block my summoning jutsu too.
Bee: What good is a summon going to do? It's not used to move you.
Naruto: Don't worry. I think outside the box. Summoning jutsu!
Cut to Madara.
Shikamaru: Crap, what is that thing?
Hiashi: Whatever it is, it was summoned by Madara.
Choza: Madara's here? We've got to take him out.
Madara: easier said than done.
Fugasaku looks at the fight and sends his tongue out to wrap around Madara.
Madara: What the...? A toad? But how did Naruto...?
Fugasaku: Sullomon dutho! (tongue hanging out prevents him from saying it properly)
Naruto appears with Bee hanging on to his shoulder. Naruto is in Sage Mode and has a Futton: Rasen Shiruken ready.
Madara (thinking): Reverse summoning!? That's genius!
Flashback to Naruto summoning Fugasaku.
Bee: Motherfucker, I don't get you. What's this frog supposed to do?
Fugasaku hits Bee with his staff.
Fugasaku: I'm a toad, and the master of all toads at that, Fugasaku. the ancient sage that trained Jiraiya-chan and Naruto-chan.
Naruto: Sorry 'bout him, but I've got to ask something about summoning. If you were to summon me, would anyone I'm touching be summoned as well.
Fugasaku: No. Inanimate objects can go with you, but not other living things. Their chakra disrupts it.
Naruto: What if I were to shroud someone in my own chakra?
Fugasaku: I never thought of know...that might just work.
Flashback ends.
Madara: Crap, why can't I dematerialize?
Bee: Looks like it's time for fun. I'll take the ugly one.
Bee transforms and attacks the summoning.
Naruto: Fugasaku is using his chakra to disrupt your own. You can't use any jutsu until he let's go. [holds up FRS] And take a guess what's going to happen the second he does.
Madara: NO!
Naruto: Here, Madara, [throws FRS] hold this for me!
Next: Madara's end?

Naruto 537 Prediction 2

537: The horror of Gedo Maza

Madara stands on the battlefield as everyone looks on in horror at him. Madara starts to do a series of handsigns. Madara flashes back to a meeting with black zetsu who looks very surprised.

Black Zetsu: "We are bringing gedo maza to the battlefield? Isn't that a little too risky?!"
Madara: "Unfortunately as our numbers in akatsuki diminished so too did our ability to properly seal the bijuu inside gedo maza. We could not supply the necessary chakra."
Black Zetsu: "But soon we will have sasuke synced with gedo maza. Surely we will have enough chakra to make the summoning possible."
Madara: "I have already made up my mind on what must be done. There will be plenty of chakra when it is time to seal the 8 tails."

Madara returns back from his flashback to the battlefield.

Madara: "Come gedo maza! Feed upon their souls!"

Suddenly beams of energy shot out of the fingers of gedo maza as it targets all of the shinobi on the battlefield. Chouji tries to break free but as he does he slowly begins to stagger as he sweats profusely. He turns to see tenten screaming in agony as she violently convulses. Suddenly she coughs up blood and stops convulsing as an orb appears out of gedo maza's beam as it retracts from tenten. Chouji's eyes widen in shock.

Chouji: "TenTen!"

Around him chouji sees several other shinobi suffering the same fate as tenten as he slowly collapses to his knees nearly reverting back to his former self. Chouji starts to cry but then he gets up with an enraged look on his face. Chouji charges in headlong as gedo maza finishes draining the souls from several shinobi.

Madara: "It is useless boy. Soon you and your friends will be part of gedo maza."
Chouji: "You will pay for this!"

Chouji explodes with visable chakra energy as he prepares to charge. Chouji charges headlong as gedo maza continues to drain him. Chouji slams hard into gedo maza's stomach causing a crack to form in its body leaving an imprint. Chouji prepares to punch gedo maza when suddenly several kunai hit him in the chest. Chouji looks down to see madara looking up at him.

Madara: "I can't allow you to do that any more."
Ino and shikimaru scream: "Chouji!"

Chouji falls limp to the water below as the beam retracts from chouji with an orb at the end. Shikimaru and ino charge in blindly as they try to stop gedo maza but it slowly sinks below the ground.

Madara: "Thank you for your contribution. I will see you all again soon."

Madara teleports away just as a kunai narrowly misses hitting him in the face. Shikimaru and Ino run over to chouji who is laying face down in the water. Ino turns chouji around and bends over to examine him.

Ino: "Help me! He isn't breathing! Chouji! Chouji!"
Shikimaru: "He's dead.

Naruto is running with killer bee through a forest towards the battlefield when suddenly he stops. Naruto senses images of a dead chouji and ino crying. Killer bee looks surprised at Naruto.

Naruto: "We are too late!"

Naruto charges along even faster as he heads to the battlefield. He arrives to see a battlefield strewn with dead as naruto beholds the destruction left in the wake of gedo maza.

538: Fallout from the battle