Sunday, April 10, 2011

Naruto Manga 535 Raw Spoiler and Prediction

Naruto Manga 535
Status: Prediction

Prediction 1

BY bearzerger

Chapter 535 Ultimatum

Naruto: "Iruka-sensei, what is the meaning of this?"
Iruka: "You are kept here for you own protection"
Shibi: "Iruka, don't"
Iruka: "while the war against Madara is fought."
Naruto: "!!"
Iruka: "The kages decided that as the key to Madara's plan you can't be risked on the battlefield."
Naruto: "So ... right now, Sakura-chan, Kakashi-sensei, Thickbrows and all of them are fighting for me?"
Iruka: "In a word, yes."
Naruto: "Don't screw with me! Let me through!"
Shibi: "We're willing to use force to stop you if necessary."
Naruto: "You can't stop me. Not anymore."
Shibi: "Don't be so sure of that."
Iruka holds up his hand
Iruka: "He is right. We couldn't stop the one who defeated Pain with force. Which is why I am begging you as your former sensei to remain here!"
Naruto: "I can't allow them to give their lives for my sake, while I hide here in this temple! Move aside Iruka-sensei."
Iruka: "If that's the case..." He pulls out a kunai and points it at himself "I shall give my life should you leave."
Everyone: !!!
Naruto: "Iruka-sensei, don't do this!"
Iruka: "Keeping you here is for the good of the village. I won't hesitate to give my life for the village, you know this!"
Naruto: "... but ..."
Iruka: "Naruto, you came here to master the jutsu Yondaime left to you, because Jiraiya-sensei felt it was the only way to defeat Madara. Have you accomplished this yet?"
Naruto: "..."
Iruka: "All of your teachers, Jiraiya-sama, Kakashi-san and I believe that you can surpass your father. Put your trust in us and remain here. Atleast until you have done this, once you have completed your training you are free to go."
Shibi: "Iruka, what are you saying. He can't be allowed to leave under no circumstances"
Iruka: "Naruto, do we have a promise?"
Naruto turns around and moves back a couple of steps and enters RM. A BR forms in his hand. The guards except Iruka prepare themselves for battle.
Naruto: "Alright" He throws the BR at the sealing and blasts a giant whole in it.
Naruto: "But I promise you this. I will complete the jutsu within 24 hours and I'll leave. If by that time anyone stands in my way I won't hesitate even if it is you Iruka-sensei."
Iruka: "I understand."
Naruto: "Teach me about yin and yang manipulation sensei. It's the first step of what I have to learn."

Switch to Gaara facing his dad
Gaara: "Father"
4th Kazekage: "I see you have become Kazekage. Show me what kind of man you've become."
Gaara: "Gladly."

The end

Prediction 2

Open on Madara perched on the top of a tall tree overlooking a broad forest. He is facing smoke in the distance. Signs of the battle in the Land of Lightning.
Madara: Hmpf. Why can't I find the Biju? Even Muu was never this good at hiding his chakra. What jutsu are you hiding them under, Yotsuki A?
Cut to the war room.
Mabui: Naruto-san has stopped. Ikura-san is talking to him now.
A: Damn it. We can't let the Kyuubi Jinchuriki out there. Madara will locate him for sure, if he does.
Shikaku: Don't worry, Raikage-sama. Ikura is like a father to Naruto. Even if he can't convince Naruto to stay where he is, he will at least convince him not to rush headlong into battle.
A: I don't like the sound of that.
Tsunade: Like you, we don't have complete control of Naruto. Naruto is his own man. It's up to him to make up his own mind. We can only hope he will understand our actions and follow orders.
A: Such insubordination. You should exercise more control of your solders.
Tsunade: It's not just about control. Naruto knows how to follow orders. It's just...
[flashback to Tsunade talking to Naruto]
Naruto: Glad you're back, Granny. You had us all worried.
Tsunade: Thank you. Naruto, you understand that we can't lift the death mark on Sasuke.
Naruto: Yes. Gaara told me about it. I just want to ask one thing.
Tsunade: What is it?
Naruto: Leave Sasuke to me.
Tsunade: ???
Naruto: I'm probably the only shinobi powerful enough to stop him without dying. Still I'm not sure I'd be able to stop him without us both being killed. I don't want anyone else to get hurt because of Sasuke. I'm the reason you didn't condemn him. I'm the one who asked the Riakage to spare him. I'm tired of people dying on me. It's high time I sacrificed for those that gave me everything.
Tsunade: Very well. I'll bring it up with the other Kages.
[end of flashback]
Tsunade: Naruto is tired of people dying to protect him. Ikura will try to convince Naruto to stay where he is, but if Naruto is advocate to help his friends, he will try to convince him to do it on our direction.
Cut to Naruto and Ikura.
Naruto: What's going on, Ikura-sensei?
Ikura: Naruto, I'm sorry, but we can't let you leave. Not now.
Naruto: Why!? What if Madara attacks? Bee and I are probably the most powerful shinobi in the alliance.
Ikura: Madara is already attacking. But we don't want to put the two of you at risk.
Naruto: But--
Ikura: Think about it, Naruto. Madara declared war. Why do that, when he could continue to try capturing the two of you in secret?
Naruto: Are you saying...he wants to lure us out?
Ikura: The Kages think so.
Naruto: But he could be killing thousands! Madara is insanely powerful. He rivaled the First Hokage.
Ikura: You have no reason to worry yet. Madara hasn't gone to battle personally. He has sent an army to attack the Land of Lightning. Neither of you are well suited for such combat. It's better to keep you hidden until we need you. Like you said, the two of you are probably the most powerful shinobi in the alliance. It's best that we hold off on using the two of you until we're sure that we need you. No sensor can penetrate these walls, so Madara has no idea where the two of you are. He's unlikely to send Sasuke or go out to battle himself until he thinks he knows exactly where you are.
Naruto hangs his head.
Naruto: Captain Yamato,...what happened to him?
Ikura: I'm sorry we didn't tell you, Naruto. He was captured. We don't know if he's still alive.
Naruto thinks of his parrents, Hiruzen, Asuma, and Jiraiya.
Ikura: I know it's hard for you, Naruto. I know you want to help. But right now, the best thing for you to do is keep hidden so that Madara doesn't know where to concentrate his forces.
Next chapter: Naruto's Next Move!

Prediction 3

Iruka Sensei, "Naruto i have to tell you something."

Naruto, "So are you gonna tell me the real reason we are hiding down here an dyou won't let me out?"
Iruka looking surprised, "what you know?!"

Naruto looking at the doorway out, "i have known for a while(flash back to the Armadillo issue) i just played along cause i trusted friends would eventually tell me what was going on."

Iruka looks to the ground.

Naruto looking at Iruka, "i don't blame you. But why would you hid an entire war going on outside?! That? why hide that?!"

Nara member, "look Naruto it is best you go back and train. All will be explained in due time."

Naruto looking frustrated, "you know you cannot stop me from leaving i have been in here cause i wanted to. I don't anymore, i am leaving, now."

Akimichi member grasping his weapon, "You saved the village Naruto but an order is an order, you will stay put."

Naruto goes RS, "Iruka Sensei, stay with Bee. I don't wanna have to worry about you."

Shino member thinking {is he going to attack us? that state he is in i can feel the power coming from him, we cannot with stand a jutsu using that amount power.}

Naruto looking at them, "i don't blame you. I am sorry."

he disappears.

Everyone looks shocked. Nara clan member thinking {4th Hokage?}

Raikage angry and yelling, "what? he did what?! He couldn't move that fast, only one ninja could."

"My Father."

It is Naruto standing near Tsunade she is shocked as well. He is in Rs mode.

Tsunade, {i didn't even realize when he got here and he is right beside me!}

Raikage, "you are troublesome, go back and train, now!"

Tsunade looks at Raikage, {uh oh}

Naruto is right in front of him, Raikage pulls his face back as not to collide with his.

"No orders, no more orders. Just tel me what is going on. You can either tell me before i go down there or let me go in and discover for myself!"

Tsunade, "Naruto, calm down. I will tell you everything you need to know before you go out the battlefield."

Raikage, "what?! It figures you would soften up to him!"

Tsunade, "Raikage, w can't stop him not when he is so determined. Our best option is to make sure he has as much knowledge before he hits the field as we can give him"

Naruto comes out of RS, "Thanx grand ma."

Tags: Naruto 535, Naruto 535 Spoilers, Naruto 535 Spoiler, Naruto Spoiler 535, Naruto 535 English, Naruto 535 Read Online, Naruto 535 Onemanga, Naruto 535 Confirmed Spoiler, Narutocentral, Naruto 535 Raw Pics, Naruto 535 Raw Scans, Naruto 535 Download, Naruto 535 Chapter, Naruto Chapter 535, Naruto. Manga 535, ナルト 535 Read Here, Next Naruto 536, Naruto Manga 536