Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Long time no... post.

Well, Easter holidays have been nice. I have spent a week in Norway snowboarding and the rest of the time back in Falmouth with the intention of working for Crombie's Musican project, alas everyone is behind and I'm unsure if I will actually get to do any Post work on her project!

A few things have happened over the last few weeks - I managed to get a place to go to the FMX festival in Stuttgart with a few other guys from my course which is really exciting and soooo awesome! The course got given funding to send 4 student from 2nd and 3rd year all expenses paid to FMX and I got picked, so I'm super stoked. It should be a really good laugh and the talks and stuff look really interesting! I can't wait!

Work with Gaz's project (Swing Heil) is rolling on, some what slowly. However Gaz and Kat decided to change a few things round today and I have given me the role of co-producer alongside Jake Jones. Mainly to help move everything along and to take a load of Jake's back as he is working for two other projects. So I'm going to try my hand at producing and see how I get on... I'm still carrying on with the music visuals too so there is lots of work to get on with.

Haven't done much in the way of drawing and the like, but I imagine next week when uni starts back the work will come in thick and fast!

Ho hum, my housemate found this and thought I would like it -

I like it when they make the strange faces at the end and the song is amazing!