Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Comics and Video Games Collide

Green Lantern, The Darkness and Spider-Man ... oh my! Comics to video games and back again galore.

Video games and comics go hand-in-hand and given the commercial success of recent comic based movies now there are three. Movies based on comics with video game tie-ins and ones that deliver the goods in gameplay and story. The most recent is Green Lantern: Rise of the Manhunters which goes hand-in-hand with the upcoming Ryan Reynolds movie. The game looks solid as seen in these new screenshots with a more cartoony look on the Nintendo 3DS.

Second announced title, sans the movie tie-in, is Spider-Man: Edge of Time which marries two (only two this time) Spidey universes in a time spanning adventure. It looks very pretty and we shall have to see how the story plays out.

Third and final is The Darkness II which is getting the comic book treatment based on the video game based on the comic. No, nothing near as cosmic bad as Street Fighter The Movie Video Game but still a funny path to follow.

So why I am chatting about these? Well first is to share the links of new images, news and details but second is to spread the love for a trio of games that really look poised to deliver the goods and hopefully encourage more good games based on comics and anime we love. Support the industry.