Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Post Production
Last week I decided to change my group for the post production assignment as I wasn't really feeling the idea for the group I was in. I am now working with Andy Luck on post and we have come up with a loose idea based around the idea of interaction between a human and a fictional cartoon character. So I guess something similar to Who Framed Roger Rabbit. We both knew we wanted to mix Hand drawn 2D with live action so that's what were going to do. I mind mapped the idea and ended up with a human hugging a character of some description. I thought it would be nice to show the difference between reality and imagination by over animating the 2D character. For instance when the person hugs the character, its head and tummy can expand, to play with the idea of squash and stretch. I am currently in the process of gathering resource material and drawing up designs for the character. Here are some pages of research...

 I really like the way that some of the characters look all...squishy!
 Here are some pages from my sketch book...

Crew Assignment
I have been experimenting with ideas for the music visuals for Gareth's Swing Heil project. After learning how to assign particles to music on after effects (and not being able to post a video due to massive computer screw ups) I decided I would probably not use that method, and instead test out a method that Oli used in his experimental piece last term. Jake Jones (Producer for Swing Heil) has talked me through what Oli did but it didn't make much sense so I'm going to do some more tests to see how it would work and look. In the mean time I have been researching the Art Deco period to get some inspiration for the look of the visualisation, here is the best of what I have found in the library...

Here a few designs I have sketched up to try and get the feel of the movement -

More to come on that front...


Finally come up with the idea for our short film. It is essentially the love story between two socks. The film will spent the majority cutting between a happy sock on a girls foot, who is having an awesome day with the sun shining etc and the other sock from the pair hanging on a washing line with a sad face on, being raining on, having a rubbish time. I have been looking at music for the happy part of the film and so far these are my ideas -
Funky Town - Lipps Inc
Locomotion - Little Eva
Dancing in the Street - Martha & The Vandellas
Heatwave - Martha & The Vandellas
Barbara Ann - The Beach Boys
Rocksteady - Rox
Sunday Shining - Finley Quaye
Saturday Morning - Eels
Little House Of Savages - The Walkmen
Rock The Boat - The Hues Corporation
South Coastin' - Quantic
Something That's Real - Quantic
Little Secrets - Passion Pit
Magic Carpet Ride - Steppenwolf

I thought it would be more effective to have no music when we cut to the sad rainy sock, apart from the sound of rain. Here is a page from my sketch book with some of the initial ideas I had -

Annnnnnd that is about it for the time being. I will leave on this note - Whilst eating my toast in front of the TV this morning, Rihanna's new video came on and I really liked the look of it. I think the majority of the video was done in post (colour filters etc) but I thought it looked nice. The guy who made the video is called Anthony Mandler. I like his stuff, so you should check it out! 

Over and Out!