Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Here are some sketches I have done recently...

I am trying to improve my drawing skills, as I seem to have lost all ability to draw recently. Some of them are done from life, and I have experimented with different mediums (charcoal etc) to see what happens. Nothing too special! 

Swing Heil
In other news I have been playing with After Effects to create some testers for Gareth's Swing Heil project. I have learnt how to extract the data from music and assign it to objects (in this case particles) to create a free form object that moves in time to the rhythm and beat of a song. I want to try and combine this musical interpretation with some sort of art deco type design to keep in fitting with the all over design of the movie. There is now a blog set up for the swing heil movie so go and check it out! There should be some more updates on there soon. I have yet to render out my test shots for my music interpretation as my poor laptop can't handle it, so as soon as I render it out on one of the studio PC's I will post it up!

The Musician
For Sarah Crombie's project I am learning how to track using Match Mover which is a lot simpler than I thought. I have just been using some test footage that isn't anything to do with the movie, and will so until the second batch of test shots are done, which will be in a few weeks hopefully. In the mean time, I am going to keep on practicing tracking and see how I find it... watch this space! 

Post Production
We have come up with a solid idea now and I am getting on with some design work which you can see here - 

The basic idea is to make these bins fly -

We are going to mix live action with a bit of 2D animation. We have yet to decide how the bin will fly or how/if it will come to life or not. I quite like the idea of the bin regurgitating some bottles and then either growing hands and legs and walking off or rumbling and shooting off into the sky with a trail of 2D flames behind.

Back to the drawing board (quite literally)...